Sunday, August 14

Don't you even touch her heart

With the name of Allah, The Most Merciful =)

It is a truth universally aknowledged , that a single man in possession of a good fortune , must be in want  of a wife

I love this famous sentence by Jane Austen that has unwrap story between this two different creature:
  Man and Woman.

In Islam, men and women have their own responsibilities in this world. We are created and sent to this world just for a while to pay obeisance towards our GOD, ALLAH. However, we are not alone. Allah has promised that every one of us would have our own partner that came from our own sort. 

Nevertheless, sometimes , because of a 'soul mate', we forget our responsibilities. in facebook, many of teenagers come out with their sayings about 'Love' , 'man' 'woman' 'marriage' 'soulmate' as their status. 
Here I give out my opinion not to say that i'm good, but this is because i concern about my 'family' in Islam. 

Dear my beloved family (men and women),

We live not only for human love. One day, you'll absolutely know who is your soulmate , when the time is coming. Don't keep asking who is a girl/man that will be yours because, as the time is not coming yet, It's Allah secret. Before the time comes,let us use our time remembering HIM, talk about HIM, do everything for HIM. Not keep on dreaming.

Dear my friends,
Don't worry, He has someone special just for you, so you don't have to keep on listing your dream girl/man. Because all the list is useless. Allah knows who is the best for us.  And He knows what we deserve for.

And among Allah's sign is this: that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you might find rest in them ; and He has set between you love and compassion. .Truly there are signs  in this for people who reflect.(Quran, 20:21)

 Dear my dear muslimin and muslimat,
Please don't cry over a man who is not your husband/wife. s/He is not deserve for your tears. Don't watse your sweet words over a girl that is not yet be your wife. Be patient my friends, because one day, someone will come and she/he will be yours and you deserve for those sweet words, poem, tears, and everything.For now, keep all that for your future spouse. She would be very sad and jealous if she knows that you have shared sweet moments and loves with someone else in your past.Be patient. <3

Dear buddy,
Fill up yourselves, your heart and soul with knowledge before you find love and before you want to chase over a woman. Because marriage is not only about love but also about responsibilities that needs your commitment and KNOWLEDGE.

if you are not ready outside and inside, don't you try to approach woman/man.. 'Don't you even touch her heart' . Once you have fall in love, it'll be hard for you to handle your emotion.It would be hard for you to stay away. and it'll be very hurting when you have to leave her as Islam never allow us to have any relationship other than marriage. so, beware with your heart.CLOSE it except for your wife/husband.

P/S: let us keep this love for our husband/wife. 



  1. like this patient ^^

  2. thank you. yes! friend, be patient. keep your love just for your wife, do not share it other than her.

  3. to be honest..i like reading ur blog..keep it up..^^

  4. tQ friend..for being supporting. ^^
